

Non-Formal Education, Training and Research Society for village Development

Welcome to the Dipshikha

Welcome to the Dipshikha

Dipshikha is a Bangladeshi organization engaged in socio-economic development activities among the poorest of the poor. It is a Non-Government, non-political and non- profitable organization working with the poor of all levels irrespective of caste or creed. The main aim of this organization is to bring about self-reliance of the people. Dipshikha is people based learning organization. Participation in real sense of the grass root people in development effort is one of the key issues for Dipshikha.

We appreciate and are thankful for all efforts of our well-wishers, partners and donors in home and abroad. We are very much grateful to our people, Government and Donor community for their continuous support to our initiatives.


Years Experience


Completed Projects

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Our Development Approach

Dipshikha to identify, examine and prioritize the problems of the villagers, especially of the poor for long-term solution. In this regard, from the very beginning, Dipshikha has been trying to analyze the socio-economic situation of the target population and to include them in the development process.

Partners and Donors

The present partners and donors of Dipshikha projects are:

Latest News and Events


Open to all adults of good social reputation and character irrespective of caste of creed and those who actively believe in the principles and philosophy of Dipshikha.

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