Concept and Methods
Paul Charwa Tigga
Dipshikha Modern Education and Training Institute
About the name: Modern Education and Training Institute. METI stands for Modern Education and Training Institute. Here modern implies that METI is based on proper reasoning, logical, rational thoughts , Practical thinking, far reaching and current and immediate future needs. There is no scope in METI to be bogged down by routine and traditional thinking. METI is expected to always update, rationalized and responsive to the needs and demands of the signs of the time. METI is an ever growing education approach. The institute contains two wings of education i. e (a) Education and Training. In out understanding education part is more focused towards future needs like the increase of general knowledge of informational and factual kinds and character formation, But training part takes care of immediate skill need such as how to articulate ones thoughts ?Simple technical needs like-how to write, how to speak out and how to take note and how to thinks etc. Under formation METI desires that our children from good habits vices. Read more »
Concept and Methods
Dipshikha METI (Modern Education and Training Institute) is an outcome of long experiences and dreams in the field of human resources promotion, leadership, management and organizational development. METI took almost 3-4 years to sow seeds, nourish and finally be sprouted. It is even difficult to tell exactly when the of METI had sparked. Perhaps the ups and downs, success and failure, light and darkness, inspiration and frustration, encouragement and discouragement, hopes and hopelessness in a dialogical manner in our efforts, finally led to the birth of the concept of METI. Read more »
How METI Perceives a Child
A child is an unexplored, undiscovered and untapped mine. In him/her lies the future of mankind. A nation may have many mines and resource reservoirs. But if unearthed and unexplored it is the wealth of the future. The same applies to human beings of a nation. If not educated, formed, skilled and made competent, they shall remain useless and dependent. Therefore, the unveiling, forming and skill of their hidden and latent potentials and capabilities are uncompromising and challenging. Read more »
METI Contents and Methods
About the Contents of learning, Dipshikha METI uses the Govt. prescribed books and materials. METI considers that this Govt. prescribed books are essential to know about Bangladesh and what are being taught to the children in the Govt. schools. But we very clearly realize that these books are not sufficient to respond to all the balanced and integrated needs of the children. As a result, much more additional books and materials are being used for METI children. Beside the books, extra curricula also are being carried out. Here it may be noted that educational contents which answer the question of “What” is important? But more important are “Why Education” and “How Education” questions. METI is trying to answer to the Why and How Questions of education. Below we narrate a few unique specialties of Dipshikha METI.
METI Timing
- Children start arriving at school by 8:30 a.m.
- Schooling starts at 9:00 a.m.
- Common gathering take place for meditation/reflection at 9:01 a.m.
- Formal classes starts at 10.00 am and go up to 12:30/1:00 p.m.
- Launch break and rest continues up to 2:30 p.m.
Silence, Meditation and Reflection
Everyday children practice silence and do meditation for about 10-15 minutes followed by songs. This is a long tradition of Dipshikha. As we all know, silence and meditation is essential and important in one’s own life. For children it is a formation process and period. What do we expect from such meditation? For children, meditation helps to prepare and attune themselves to receive lessons. Meditation helps them to bring their thoughts and attentions from all the things they saw on the way while coming to school, have concentration and have relaxation and also to become attentive to the lessons they have to learn. In meditations language it is called to come to Alpha level from Beta level. That means to slow down one’s passing of current in one’s own Brain from 20 Cycle Per Second (CPS) to 10 CPSs which is best for learning. In meditational language there are Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta- each with their own CPSs. Read more »
Concept of Human beings in METI
All human beings are the divine creation of Almighty God. Therefore all are endowed with different human resources, capacities, potentials and powers from Him. Nobody can teach anybody. What the facilitators and others can do is that they can create an environment for learning. In other words, the facilitators can help and assist the students to discover and unveil their already God given latent, resources, capacities, potentials, and powers. Concerning the processes of learning the Chinese proverb says – “tell me and I forget, show me, I may remember, make me work and I understand”. According to Leonardo the Vinci, he is the best teacher who helps the students to learn by themselves. Read more »