Everyday children practice silence and do meditation for about 10-15 minutes followed by songs. This is a long tradition of Dipshikha. As we all know, silence and meditation is essential and important in one’s own life. For children it is a formation process and period. What do we expect from such meditation? For children, meditation helps to prepare and attune themselves to receive lessons. Meditation helps them to bring their thoughts and attentions from all the things they saw on the way while coming to school, have concentration and have relaxation and also to become attentive to the lessons they have to learn. In meditations language it is called to come to Alpha level from Beta level. That means to slow down one’s passing of current in one’s own Brain from 20 Cycle Per Second (CPS) to 10 CPSs which is best for learning. In meditational language there are Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta- each with their own CPSs.

After meditation children are prepared with their minds and heart to learn. Further after meditation, they share their thoughts and experiences with others of what they reflected during meditation. To share, they have to stand in front of all the students and facilitators. If there are guests, they have to face the guests too. This process gives them chance to articulate, be free from fear and also increase their creativity, imagination and visualization capacities. Being the process simple and part of learning, they gradually feel confident, fearlessness and become highly expressive. This is a unique method of Dipshikha METI.